The XIX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 01-05, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod
Author's Index
Author: Manceron L. (Synchrotron SOLEIL, Gif-sur-Yvette, France; Sorbonne Université, Paris, France)
List of reports:
- Rodina A., Nikitin A.V., Protasevich A., Thomas X., Daumont L., Rey M. , Manceron L., Sung K., Tyuterev Vl.G.
Improved line list of 12CH4 in the 4300-4600 cm−1 region
- Flaud J.-M., Anantharajah A., Kwabia Tchana F., Manceron L., Orphal J., Wagner G., Birk M.
High-resolution spectroscopic analyses of nitryl chloride ClNO2 in the 12.6 µm spectral region and of chlorine nitrate ClONO2 in the far infrared 
- Perrin A., Manceron L.
New analyses of the 2ν1 band of 14N16O2 in the 2500–2950 cm–1 infrared spectral region 